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Tithe, Offerings, Donations


We appreciate your giving in support of this church and ministry.

Your tithe belongs to your local church where you attend and are fed the Word of God.

All donations and gifts to this church and ministry fund our ability to stay open and functional as we spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and work to build the Kingdom of God.

If Souls Harbor is your church, you can designate your giving as tithe.

All donations are tax deductible. 

Give online through our Facebook page or PayPal Donate 

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The ministry of the local church is complex. No one person makes it work. It is within the unity and cooperation of our valuable volunteers that make every church a success.

Once you attend our church and show a desire to make SHC your home church, we will find ways to use you in areas that are needed most.

We believe faithfulness is key to productive fruit-bearing. God is Faithful, Jesus is Faithful, the Holy Ghost is Faithful, therefore, if we are born-again under our Father's nature, we will be faithful.

1 Corinthians 1:9; Titus 3:8; Revelation 17:14

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Through PayPal Donate Below



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